We are pleased to announce an update to our End Of Day US Renewable Data Product.

Which files are affected?

Asset class: Energy & Commodities
Product: Environmental > Renewable Certificates

Affected file name: “Tradition_RenewableUS_YYYY_MM_DD”

What will change?

  • We will be adding the following tenors to the instruments listed below, extending the curve length to improve visibility:
Contract Name
Halves (Back Half, Front Half)
Wind – National CRS Wind
Wind – TX CRS Wind

Date of availability of new data set: 7th October 2024

Frequency of delivery: EOD.

Get in touch if you are receiving US Renewable End of Day files (other than the one mentioned above) and would like to benefit from these additions.

End of Day US Renewable Data Product

Request sample data & further information

To receive a sample of our End of Day US Renewable Data, please click the button below.

Request sample data

Sample data request

Please enter your email below to request access to our a free data sample.

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Additional Information:

  • If you are using a third party to consume the above data please liaise with your direct data provider to clarify when changes will be on boarded on their side.
  • If you are using Real Time services there will be NO changes.