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Interest Rate Swaps Product Specification


Product Code:



Interest Rate Swaps can be used as a hedging tool to offset the interest rate exposure of a portfolio, and can also be used for yield enhancement by taking advantage of favorable interest rate differentials between different markets or currencies. Our Interest Rate Swaps data packages provide comprehensive coverage across 31 currencies. Datasets are sourced directly from Tradition’s brokerage desks and further enhanced by our analytics team. By offering smaller, focused and more granular packages based on region and product, our clients only pay for what they need, as opposed to receiving larger data packages that need unbundling. Real-time, Intraday and End of Day prices are available for interest rate markets providing complete flexibility on both data content and delivery method.

Data Source:

Data sourced directly from Tradition’s brokerage desks with 50 desks for 33 currencies.

Delivery Method:

  • real-time:Access real-time data
  • Hourly:Receive hourly snapshots delivered via SFTP.
  • end-of-day:Obtain end-of-day snapshots delivered via SFTP.

Data Frequency:

Market data is updated real-time directly sourced from various trading platforms.

Data Format:

CSV files for houtly snaps , FIX API for Real-time

Data Coverage:

  • Asset Class: IRD Interest Rate Derivatives ( IRD )
  • Sub Class: Interest Rate Swaps
  • Key stats : +8K instruments 50 desks 33 currencies

Americas Data Coverage

Currency Underlying IRS IRS Spreads IRS Butterflies ND IRS Alternate CCP IRS
CAD (Canadian dollar)CDOR, CORRA
USD (United States dollar)SOFR, LIBOR
CLP (Chilean peso)CAMARA
COP (Colombian peso)IBR
MXN (Mexican peso)28d TIIE

Asia Pacific Data Coverage

Currency Underlying IRS IRS Spreads IRS Butterflies ND IRS Alternate CCP IRS
AUD (Australian dollar)BBSW, AONIA
NZD (New Zealand dollar)BKBM, NZDCR
CNY (Renminbi Chinese )SHIBOR
KRW (South Korean won)91d CD
CNH (Renminbi offshore Chinese)SHIBOR
HKD (Hong Kong dollar)HIBOR, HONIA
TWD (New Taiwan dollar)TAIBOR
IDR (Indonesian rupiah)JIBOR
INR (Indian rupee)MIBOR
MYR (Malaysian ringgit)KLIBOR
PHP (Philippine peso)PHIREF
SGD (Singapore dollar)SORA, SOR
THB (Thai baht)THOR, THBFix

Europe, Middle East & Africa Data Coverage

Currency Underlying IRS IRS Spreads IRS Butterflies ND IRS Alternate CCP IRS
CHF (Swiss franc) SARON, LIBOR
GBP (Pound sterling) SONIA, LIBOR
CZK (Czech koruna) PRIBOR
HUF (Hungarian forint) BUBOR
PLN (Polish złoty) WIBOR
RUB (Russian ruble) MOSPRIME
DKK (Danish krone) CIBOR
NOK (Norwegian krone) NIBOR
SEK (Swedish krona) STIBOR
AED (United Arab Emirates dirham) AEIBOR
ILS (Israeli new shekel) TELBOR
SAR (Saudi riyal) SAIBOR
ZAR (South African rand) JIBAR


Term Definition
AEIBORAEIBOR (Abu Dhabi Interbank Offered Rate)
AMAnnual Money
Annual Money 3 Month AEIBORThe annualized interest rate for interbank lending over a three-month period.
BBSWAustralia: BBSW (Bank Bill Swap Rate): Used within Australia.
CDIBrazil: CDI (Certificado de Depósito Interbancário): Used within Brazil.
CDORCanada: CDOR (Canadian Dollar Offered Rate): Used within Canada.
CHIBORChina: CHIBOR (China Interbank Offered Rate): Used within China.
EONIAEONIA (Euro Overnight Index Average): Being replaced by €STR (Euro Short-Term Rate).
EURIBOREurozone: EURIBOR (Euro Interbank Offered Rate), used within the Eurozone.
HIBORHong Kong: HIBOR (Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate): Used within Hong Kong.
KORIBORSouth Korea: KORIBOR (Korea Interbank Offered Rate): Used within South Korea.
Mexican Peso 1 Month TIIECalled also 28 Day Interbank Interest Rate (28 Day TIIE) the one-month Tasa de Interés Interbancaria de Equilibrio (TIIE) for the Mexican Peso (MXN). TIIE is the benchmark interbank interest rate in Mexico, published by the Bank of Mexico (Banxico)
MIBORIndia: MIBOR (Mumbai Interbank Offered Rate): Used within India.
SAIBORSAIBOR stands for the Saudi Arabian Interbank Offered Rate. Published by the Saudi Central Bank (SAMA)
SARONSwitzerland:SARON (Swiss Average Rate Overnight): Used within Switzerland, replacing CHF LIBOR.
SIBORSingapore: SIBOR (Singapore Interbank Offered Rate): Used within Singapore.
SHIBORSHIBOR (Shanghai Interbank Offered Rate): Also used within China.
SOFRUnited States: SOFR (Secured Overnight Financing Rate)
PRIBORThe PRIBOR rate stands for the "Prague Interbank Offered Rate." It is a reference interest rate that reflects the average interest rate at which banks in the Czech Republic are willing to lend to one another on an unsecured basis. PRIBOR is a critical benchmark for the Czech financial market.
STIBOR Stockholm Interbank Offered Rate. It is a reference interest rate that reflects the average interest rate at which banks are willing to lend to one another on an unsecured basis in the Swedish market.
SONIAUnited Kingdom: SONIA (Sterling Overnight Index Average): The replacement for GBP LIBOR.
SORSOR (Swap Offer Rate): Transitioning to SORA (Singapore Overnight Rate Average).
THBFIXThailand: THBFIX (Thai Baht Interest Rate Fixing): Used within Thailand.
TIBOR Tokyo Interbank Offered Rate (TIBOR). It's calculated and published by the Japanese Bankers Association TIBOR Administration (JBATA), Two types : (1) Japanese Yen TIBOR (DTIBOR) representing onshore unsecured lending in JPY. (2) Euroyen TIBOR (ZTIBOR) representing offshore unsecured lending in JPY.
TONARTONAR (Tokyo Overnight Average Rate): Alternative reference rate for the yen.
TONATONA (Tokyo Overnight Average Rate), also known as TONAR, is the unsecured interbank overnight interest rate for the Japanese yen
WIBOR/TD>WIBOR (Warsaw Interbank Offered Rate) is the interbank interest rate in Poland
ZTIBOR Zenginkyo TIBOR , It's Euroyen TIBOR representing offshore unsecured lending in JPY.

Tradition Data Packages:

    Product Code Product Name
    IRD-IRS-AME-ALL Americas ALL
    IRD-IRS-AME-ARM Americas Regional Majors
    IRD-IRS-AME-DOE Americas Emerging
    IRD-IRS-EUR-ALL Europe, Middle East & Africa ALL
    IRD-IRS-EUR-ERM Europe, Middle East & Africa Regional Majors
    IRD-IRS-EUR-EUE Europe, Middle East & Africa EURO Emerging
    IRD-IRS-EUR-MEN Europe, Middle East & Africa MENA
    IRD-IRS-EUR-SCA Europe, Middle East & Africa Scandi
    IRD-IRS-APA-ALL Asia Pacific ALL
    IRD-IRS-APA-AUS Asia Pacific Australasia
    IRD-IRS-APA-GCH Asia Pacific Greater China
    IRD-IRS-APA-CHI Asia Pacific China
    IRD-IRS-APA-JPY Asia Pacific Japan
    IRD-IRS-APA-KOR Asia Pacific Korea
    IRD-IRS-APA-SEA Asia Pacific South East Asia


      Question Answer
      How many snap files are available per day? 24 files per day
      What are the Key benefits of TraditionData Data package? Manage Interest Rate Risk: Interest rate swaps can be used to manage the interest rate risk in a portfolio by allowing market participants to exchange a stream of fixed interest payments for a stream of floating interest payments, or vice versa, which can help to mitigate the impact of rising or falling interest rates on the value of the portfolio. Enhance Yields: You can enhance the yield of a portfolio using interest rate swaps by allowing market participants to take advantage of favourable interest rate differentials between different markets or currencies. Improve Diversification: By using interest rate swaps, investors can diversify their portfolio by adding exposure to different markets or currencies, which can help to reduce overall portfolio risk. Hedge Interest Rate Exposure: Interest rate swaps can be used as a hedging tool to offset the interest rate exposure of a portfolio. For example, a fixed rate borrower can use an interest rate swap to pay floating rate, thus hedging the interest rate risk. Create Synthetic Positions: Create synthetic positions by using interest rate swaps which can be used to replicate the cash flows of an underlying asset without actually owning the asset. This can be useful for investors who want to gain exposure to a specific market or asset class without incurring the costs or risks associated with owning the underlying asset. Enhance Yields on Fixed Rate Assets: Interest rate swaps can be used to enhance the yield on fixed rate assets by swapping the fixed rate for a floating rate, thus taking advantage of favourable interest rate differentials between different markets or currencies.
      What is an interest rate swap ? An interest rate swap is a financial derivative that allows market participants to exchange a stream of fixed interest payments for a stream of floating interest payments, or vice versa. These swaps are commonly used to manage interest rate risk and to take advantage of favourable interest rate differentials between different markets or currencies.
      How are interest rate swaps calculated? An interest rate swap is calculated based on the difference between fixed interest payments and floating interest payments, with the objective of hedging against interest rate risk or taking advantage of changing interest rate conditions.
      Is Historical Data Available? Yes, since 2021

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