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Environmental Product Specification


Product Code:



Our daily price data offers futures prices for the US Renewable and Carbon market and EU Biofuel benchmarks. End of Day (EOD) broker prices are based on expert assessment of daily activity in covered markets. Displayed prices do not represent currently actionable orders. Curve coverage is dependent on market activity, and levels of granularity may fluctuate based on changes in liquidity. Biofuel coverage is typically available for front months and quarters up to a year, while for US REC and Carbon curves typically span 1-9 calendar years or 4-5 halves.

Data Source:

TraditionData Data Packages are coming from Tradition’s market-leading global brokerage desks

Delivery Method:

  • EOD snap delivered via SFTP.

Data Frequency:

The market data is extracted at the end of day of each region.

Data Format:

CSV file for EOD files.

  • US Emissions : Tradition_EMISSIONSUS_YYYY_MM_DD.csv
  • US Sustainability Renewables : Tradition_RenewableUS_YYYY_MM_DD.csv
  • EU Biofuel - UK : Tradition_BiofuelUK_YYYY_MM_DD.csv

Data Coverage:

  • Asset Class: Energy & Commodities
  • Sub Class: Energy
  • Total: 370 instruments
  • Tenures: 108 month (9 year) tenure
  • Desks: 10 brokerage desks

Americas - US Sustainability Renewables Data Coverage

US Sustainability Renewables Contract Tenures
NEPOOL - Connecticut Class I4 Years
NEPOOL - Connecticut Class IIOne Year
NEPOOL - Connecticut Class IIIOne Year
NEPOOL - Maine Existing2 Years
NEPOOL - Maine New3 Years
NEPOOL - Massachusetts APS3 Years
NEPOOL - Massachusetts Class I4 Years
NEPOOL - Massachusetts Class II3 Years
NEPOOL - Massachusetts Class W-E4 Years
NEPOOL - New Hampshire Class I2 Years
NEPOOL - Rhode Island ExistingOne Year
NEPOOL - Rhode Island New3 Years
PJM - DC Tier I6 Years
PJM - Maryland Tier I5 Years
PJM - Maryland Tier II5 Years
PJM - New Jersey Class I6 Years
PJM - New Jersey Class II4 Years
PJM - Pennsylvania Tier I5 Years
PJM - Pennsylvania Tier II6 Years
Solar - DC Solar5 Years
Solar - Maryland Solar7 Years
Solar - Massachusetts Solar 23 Years
Solar - New Jersey Solar4 Years
Solar - Ohio Non-Solar2 Years
Solar - Pennsylvania Solar5 Years
Solar - VirginaDG2 Years
Solar - Virginia In-State3 Years
Solar - Virginia Non-DG3 Years
Wind - National CRS Wind8 Years , 8 Half years
Wind - TX CRS Wind8 Years , 8 Half years

Americas - US Emissions Data Coverage

US Emissions Contract Tenures
California Carbon AllowanceOne month and 3 years
California Carbon Offset5 spots
NOX and SOX 4 spots
NOX and SOX Ozone5 years
RGGI AllowanceOne month and 3 years

EU Biofuel - UK Data Coverage

EU Biofuel - UK Contract Tenures
FAME 0 FOB ARA (RED Compliant)4 months, 4 quarters
FAME 0 FOB ARA (RED Compliant) vs Low Sulphur Gasoil4 months, 4 quarters
FAME 0 FOB ARA (RED Compliant) vs Soybean Oil swap vs CBOT4 months, 4 quarters
HVO Class 2 FOB Rotterdam4 months, 4 quarters
HVO Class 2 FOB Rotterdam Differential4 months, 4 quarters
HVO FOB ARA vs Soybean Oil swap vs CBOT4 months, 4 quarters
HVO FOB Rotterdam vs UCOME FOB ARA (RED Compliant)4 months, 4 quarters
Low Sulphur Gasoil4 months, 4 quarters
RME FOB Rotterdam (RED Compliant)4 months, 4 quarters
RME FOB Rotterdam (RED Compliant) vs FAME ARA 0 FOB ARA (RED Compliant)4 months, 4 quarters
RME FOB Rotterdam (RED Compliant) vs Low Sulphur Gasoil4 months, 4 quarters
RME FOB Rotterdam (RED Compliant) vs Soybean Oil Swap vs CBOT4 months, 4 quarters
Soybean Oil swap vs CBOT vs Low Sulphur Gasoil4 months, 4 quarters
Soybean Oil swap vs CBOT4 months, 4 quarters
UCOME FOB ARA (RED Compliant)4 months, 4 quarters
UCOME FOB ARA (RED Compliant) vs FAME 0 FOB ARA (RED Compliant)4 months, 4 quarters
UCOME FOB ARA (RED Compliant) vs Low Sulphur Gasoil4 months, 4 quarters
UCOME FOB ARA (RED Compliant) vs Soybean Oil Swap vs CBOT4 months, 4 quarters

Tradition Data Packages:

    Product Code Product Name
    NRG-ENV-AME-EMI Americas - US Emissions
    NRG-ENV-AME-SUS Americas - US Sustainability - Renewables


    Question Answer
    How many snap files are available per day? Only one EOD snap at 5PM local time of each region
    What are the Key benefits of TraditionData Data package? Leverage Tradition’s US Renewable leading market presence to value your portfolio. Keep up with US Carbon and REC Voluntary scheme by capitalising on Tradition’s historical presence in this marketplace. Asses Market Risk leveraging a reliable, independent and market driven pricing source.
    What is Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) ? Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) are tradable, non-tangible energy commodities that represent proof that 1 megawatt-hour (MWh) of electricity was generated from a renewable energy source and delivered to the electricity grid. A REC is created when a renewable energy source like solar, wind or hydroelectric generates 1 MWh of electricity and feeds it into the shared power grid system. RECs are essentially certificates that convey the "renewable" attributes of that 1 MWh of renewable electricity generation to the owner of the REC. By purchasing RECs along with regular electricity from the grid, consumers and businesses can claim they are using that amount of renewable energy, even though the electrons they actually receive are just mixed into the grid. Each REC has a unique identification number providing details like the renewable source, location and date it was generated. RECs can only be sold/claimed once. The EPA defines a REC as "a tradeable, market-based instrument that represents the legal property rights to the 'renewable-ness' or non-power attributes of renewable electricity generation." RECs allow separating the renewable energy attributes from the actual physical electricity for trading purposes. The owner of the RECs has exclusive rights to make claims about using that renewable energy. There are voluntary REC markets for environmentally-conscious buyers, as well as compliance markets where utilities must procure RECs to meet renewable energy mandates or portfolio standards.
    What is carbon credits? Carbon credits are permits or allowances that allow the holder to emit a certain amount of carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases. A carbon credit represents 1 tonne of CO2 equivalent (CO2e) that an organization is permitted to emit under a "cap and trade" regulatory system. Carbon credits are created and allocated by governing bodies to companies within their jurisdiction. Carbon credits are measurable, verifiable emission reductions from certified climate action projects that reduce, avoid or remove greenhouse gas emissions. These projects must adhere to rigorous standards and third-party verification. Carbon credits exist only in jurisdictions or markets that have implemented a cap-and-trade system, where a cap or limit is set on total emissions and credits are issued accordingly. If a company reduces its emissions below its allocated credits, it can sell the surplus credits to another company that has exceeded its limit. This creates a market incentive for companies to reduce emissions. Carbon credits allow emissions to be treated as a traded commodity with a price attached. Companies must obtain enough credits to cover their emissions or face penalties. So in essence, carbon credits represent permissible emission levels allocated by regulators under cap-and-trade schemes. They can be traded between companies as a market-based mechanism to incentivize emission reductions.
    What is the extent of environmental coverage provided by TFS Green brokerage company? TFS Green is a leading brokerage company specializing in environmental and renewable energy markets in the Asia-Pacific region. Here are the key details about TFS Green: TFS Green is a subsidiary of Compagnie Financière Tradition, one of the world's largest interdealer brokers in financial and commodity products markets. It is based in Australia and operates as the region's most experienced specialist environmental markets brokering team. The company has over 30 years of combined experience in carbon and environmental markets. TFS Green provides brokering services for over-the-counter trading of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs), Energy Efficiency Certificates, and Carbon Credits across domestic and international markets. It specializes in brokering all environmental certificate markets in Australia and the broader Asia-Pacific region. Utilizes an extensive network of clients including major electricity retailers, generators, solar installers, and energy efficiency experts to facilitate competitive pricing.
    Is Historical Data Available? Yes,Since 2019

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